
Troublefaker Stories: End of Part 1 

Hey again. I'm sure you've noticed it's taken me a bit longer these last couple of weeks to get a comic and story chapter out to you. As it's the finale of this part of my story I will spare you excuses and get right to it.

I chose to let Laurel go. You won't find her on any of our social media accounts because her time as a Troublefaker pre-dates our Facebook and as well as other modern web presences. It was all MySpace during this time (2005-2008).

I didn't enjoy this conversation. When…

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Troublefaker Stories: The Talk 

I'm going to cut to the chase this time.

As long-time subscribers know, this is a chapter I wasn't excited to write about. It was expected, though (can I build suspense or what?)

Despite the post-rehearsal Pumphouse dinners, the rehearsals, the songwriting, and the gigs I can remember, things weren't their best. In hindsight I saw where we could have used a bit more consistency but I chose to ignore it. Behind the scenes Laurel often encouraged me to do new things, gave me advice when I needed it, and was…

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Troublefaker Stories: It's Different for the Band 

These next few comics are gonna hurt. I have them all storyboarded out in a notebook with thumbnail sketches not because that's what comic artists do, but because that's what storytellers do. I didn't want to approach this part of Troublefakers 1.0 thoughtlessly and I didn't want to have to make it up at the moment I put pencil to paper. To me, this was and is a big deal.

Troublefakers 1.0 did not live very long. The four of us - Ethan, Ed, Laurel, and Me - wrote and performed together for maybe 2 years. I…

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Troublefaker Stories: But His Emails 

Hey again. Y'know I do my best to make sure my email gets out to you on Wednesday, but this week it just wasn't going to happen. I have an HP ENVY 5660 printer/scanner and it broke up with my laptop like a tween girl with a grudge - there was no convincing it to even try communicating... so, well, you get the picture. No scan means no comic, so I had to improvise my solution. 

Today's strip revolves around an aspect of band drama that follows me to this day: email. Band emails have filled me with dread for…

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Wynne Stories: Interlude 1 

Hey! How are you? I've been trying to make sure you get my email on Wednesdays. Sometimes it's simple distraction slowing me down, but most of the time It's figuring out what I want to share with you.

Usually I tell you a story and attach a related comic. This week I'm cutting straight to the chase.

Subscribers get the full comic - sign up on the home page!

Clearly I have a lot to work through as well as an understandable case of FOMO.

I have often heard that passion and talent are not enough to succeed…

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Troublefaker Stories: Just Promo 

I'm taking this week off from the comics. They take a bit longer than I expected they would and I'm getting to a part of band history I'm not sure how to approach so I'm taking my time on it. 

Before I get there I want to let you know I will be introducing some Wynne Stories soon. I had a life before I founded The Troublefakers that is full of stories worth telling. They will include some present-day material as well. I haven't decided if those will be sent to you or kept on my Patreon. 

As for Troublefaker…

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Troublefaker Stories: The First Demo 

Heya, it's me again. I am feeling SO much better this week! I guess I needed to slow down a bit.

If you missed any of my past stories I put recaps here on the WCB Blog. AND if you missed an email because you're a fan of the comic just let me know and I'll send you an mail with the ones you missed.

Continuing the story, I did skip a bit and put the Battle of the Bands before the demo. Whoops.

So we needed a demo. Studio time was a bit expensive so we got creative, hashing out the plan to record drums at my…

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Troublefaker Stories: A Conversation 

Hey, how are you? I wish I could say I was doing okay. This week has been brutal health-wise, and keeping me away from my workdesk. I posted something about the delays on my Facebook page and my Instagram (still figuring out how to love Twitter) - did you see it? Anyway, better late than never. Even through my struggle, I enjoyed creating this comic for you. 

Because I've been struggling I just don't have it in me for a history lesson this week and won't be writing a lot. After we finally got away from…

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Troublefaker Stories: Battle of the Bands 

Oh hey, it's me, your friend Wynne C Blue. I know I keep saying that but I think it's my thing, wanting to let you know I'm your friend. Cheesy? Heck yeah it is. Moving on... 

I have this list on my whiteboard to keep me on schedule for the comics I'm sending you. It keeps me on track and allows me to work on them a little every day. For the last couple of weeks I've been sending you things a little out of order, but they're all really close in the Troublefaker timeline. I'm not going to jump around too…

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Troublefaker Stories: First gigs at The Workshop 

Hey! Again, I hope you're enjoying these stories as much as I'm enjoying writing and illustrating them. I'm still astounded at the amount of people who write to me or approach me to let me know what they think! This email list was never this active before, not in sending and certainly not responses. 

Still, it's a way to process the end of what was basically the driving force in my life for nearly 14 years. Some memories are good and some are not. I will try to save you from the not good ones when I can…

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